Gingerbread Daycare Policies and Procedures

General Policies Active Play Policy Care and Supervision Policy Guidance and Discipline Policy

General Policies

All children must be vaccinated to attend daycare.

In order to provide the best possible service to your children, please observe the following:

  1. Accompany your child right into the daycare and connect with a staff member so they can convey any necessary information either verbally or through newsletters or posted notices. You are required to sign your child in and out in the Attendance Book.
  2. Our hours of operation are Monday - Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. You are required to be here early enough to pick up your child, gather their things and sign out by 5:30 so staff can leave at the end of their shift. There will be a late fee of $10.00 for every ten minutes (or portion thereof) after 5:30 p.m. If late pick up is happening on a regular basis, you may be asked to withdraw your child with one months' notice.
  3. Children are required to bring 2 snacks and a lunch every day. Please label all containers with your child's name and have food that needs to be heated in labeled microwavable containers.
  4. Children are required to bring indoor shoes/slippers that have a good rubber sole that will stay at the daycare as well as 2 complete changes of clothing. A blanket and stuffie will be needed for Nap/Rest Time. As required by licensing and our Daycare Policy, children in a full day program will have a Nap/Rest Time after lunch. If your child is not toilet trained, we need to have a supply of diapers and wipes. Please remember to label all articles of clothing, boots, diapers, wipes, etc.
  5. Children are to be dressed in appropriate play clothing. Children wear smocks for artwork but paint and food color may still get on clothing.
  6. For the safety of children with possible allergies to nuts, we ask that no peanut butter or nuts be part of snack or lunch.
  7. Parents are required to have planned for alternate care for their child in the event of illness. Please be sensitive to others in the daycare when deciding whether your child is well enough to come. Children need to be symptom free for 24 hours in the case of fever, diarrhea and/or vomiting. If your child is starting antibiotics, they need to be on them for 24 hours before returning to daycare. It is imperative that staff be made aware when your child is being treated with antibiotics so we can monitor the child at daycare and possibly inform the other parents so they can be vigilant regarding their own child. Due to staffing requirements, all children in the daycare will be required to be well enough to participate in all aspects of our program including outdoor play. Parents or persons on the child's emergency contact list will be called if your child becomes sick while at daycare.
  8. Any prescription medications need to be in their original container and a form completed for administering them. It is at the discretion of the Daycare Supervisor whether staff will administer non-prescription drugs during daycare hours. If your child needs to be medicated to manage pain they are probably not well enough to attend.
  9. The Daycare will be closed for all major public holidays (New Years, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, BC Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day as well as the week between Christmas and New Years (December 24 – January 1). We are closed for the first week of Spring Break (dates vary year to year according to school website) and 2 weeks following the last Friday in July for maintenance. Fees have been pro-rated for these times.
  10. Fees are due at the beginning of each month with Direct Withdrawal being the preferred method of payment. As per the Direct Withdrawal Form, fees will be withdrawn on the first business day of the month. A written letter of withdrawal must be received 30 days prior to the next withdrawal date. Post-dated cheques are also accepted. Due to banking regulations, cheques must be made payable to "Gingerbread Preschool and Daycare Ltd." Receipts will be given out in January.
  11. There is an NSF charge of $42.00 for any NSF cheque.
  12. Fees must be paid in full each month regardless of days absent. There will be no exceptions in this regard.
  13. Two months' written notice on or before the last day of the month or a months' fees if your child is to be withdrawn. Gingerbread Preschool and Daycare Ltd. reserves the right to give a months' written notice for a child to be withdrawn if we feel we cannot meet the needs of the child.
  14. The Daycare must be provided with a copy of any court custody orders.
  15. Gingerbread Daycare staff are not responsible for siblings in the daycare or out in the playground. Parents must have siblings in eyesight and they must be supervised at all times.

Active Play Policy

Policy Statement

Gingerbread Daycare recognizes the importance of physical activity for young children. Implementation of appropriate physical activity practices supports the health and development of children in care, as well as assisting in establishing positive lifestyle habits for the future.

Physical Activity In Childcare

Gingerbread has a large playground and inside space. We have equipment, materials, facilitated and un-facilitated play that promotes and fosters physical literacy for young children both outdoors and indoors.

Children in our daycare program have a minimum of 2 outside times for 1 hour and frequently a third outside time for 1 hour.

Screen Time

Screen time is limited to once a month. We have "movie day" on the last Friday of the month for 90 min. split up during the day.

Care and Supervision Policy

Supervision is one of the key requirements in the prevention of accidents and injury throughout the centre. Childcare staff require the skills to be able to assess potential risks during supervision and be able to implement changes to supervision to avoid accident or injury. New and relief staff should be informed of potential supervisory risks according to each individual child in a confidential and sensitive way.



Parents will:

Staff will:

Management will:

Guidance and Discipline Policy

Guidance and discipline is consistent for each child in order to promote a sense of security and avoid children testing to find where the limits are. Safety is the paramount consideration and takes precedence over everything. Safety involves prevention through anticipation of outcomes. Expectations will reflect the age of the child, level of maturity and staff's understanding of any mitigating circumstances regarding child's development. Staff share observations daily celebrating growth and development as it occurs. Knowledge of child development and strong observational skills are key attributes for staff in prevention of discipline issues.


  1. The caregiver will set clear and consistent limits stating appropriate behaviour. Limits will be simple, stated in a straight forward and positive way and relate to the safety of self, others and the environment.
  2. The caregiver will model appropriate behaviour in their interactions with children, families and co-workers.
  3. The caregiver will reinforce appropriate behaviour.
  4. The caregiver will provide safe, healthy, child-centered environments that reflect developmentally appropriate practice and support children's natural exploration and positive interactions.
  5. The caregiver will provide play materials and opportunities that match children's ages, abilities and interests so children can experience success.
  6. The caregiver will evaluate and change the environment on an on-going basis in response to children's needs, interests and behaviour.
  7. The caregiver will provide opportunities for children to make choices and age appropriate decisions.
  8. The caregiver will allow children time to respond to expectations.
  9. The caregiver will schedule the day with long periods of child-selected play. Group time will be planned and scheduled to last an appropriate length of time relative to age group.


  1. The caregiver will gain the child's attention in a respectful way by stating their name in a calm voice, moving over to the child and establishing eye contact.
  2. The caregiver will remind the child of the limits and explain the reasons using effective communication skills.
  3. The caregiver will use "active listening" to acknowledge children's feelings before stating the limit.
  4. The caregiver will clarify limits, state expected behaviour and, if possible, offer an appropriate choice as an alternative.
  5. The caregiver will set logical consequences for inappropriate behaviour. They must be immediate, natural and reasonable.
  6. The caregiver will use redirection when appropriate. If a child does not respond to other guidance strategies, he/she will be redirected to another area.
  7. Time Out is useful to help a child regain self-control. It is used very infrequently and for a short period of time (2 minutes).